With the movie that has been on everyone's movie calender, People waiting for "23rd May" to come as soon as possible. When, "X Men : First Class" ended, all were really curious to see as "what will happen next for the mutants?", "Can Bryan Singer do anything better than "First Class"?" When the first trailer came out of the movie, the one thing that came onto everybody's mind & mouth was "WOW". Not just for the visual effects, but for the impeccable cast it holds & it gets more interesting with it's tag line "Days Of Future Past". What does that really mean? Why we see 2 Professor X & 2 Magneto's? Today, i review " X Men : Days Of Future Past".

(Jackman(Wolverine), Fassbender(Magneto), McAvoy(Prof.X) & Peters(Quik-Silver in a scene from movie)
The movie starts in not-so-distant future, where "Mutants" are fighting for their lives but this time not against one of them or humans, but a completely new enemy "Sentinels". Genetically engineered machines which are made to kill "Mutants" due to a mistake in which "Mystique" played by "Jennifer Lawrence" kills the chairman of "Trask Industries" who has built these things, but all this incident happened in 1973. After seeing that the Mutant race is coming to an extinction, "Professor X" played by "Sir Patrick Stewart", "Magneto" played by "Sir Ian McKellen", "Wolverine" played by "Hugh Jackman", "Storm" played by "Halle Berry", "Kitty Pryde" played by "Ellen Page", they all come to a decision that someone has to go back in the past to change the incident & stop "Mystique" before she kills "Trask" & extinction comes upon them. But, they think no one is that strong to bear the pain. Now, that's where our "Macho Man", "Wolverine" comes who can bear any pain. So, they use the teleportation abilities of Kitty to send "Logan"(Wolverine) into past & change their future. In order to change it, Logan must find the younger selves of "Professor X"(Charles Xavier) played by "James McAvoy" & "Magneto" played by "Michael Fassbender". "Logan" is sent to past, in "1973" & his blades are not made up of "Ademantium" now. He finds, "Professor X" at his school, School has been shut down due to Vietnam War, he finds out that "Hank" (Beast) played by "Nicholas Hoult" is the only person/mutant now Professor X has, others have just left him, which has made Professor to forget all his magical abilities by taking a cure after every now & then. Wolverine tells X & Hank that it is "You & Magneto" who have sent me here to stop the assassination of Trask. But, now they have take out "Magneto" who is been in prison as he is a suspect in the killing of "John F Kennedy". For this work, they contact another mutant in his younger self, "Quik-Silver" played by "Evan Peters" whose ability is to move very fast at the speed of the sound. He does this work with style. With "Professor X" & "Magneto" again on the same side with "Wolverine" from the future & Hank, they all gear up to stop Mystique to save their race from extinction. Do they get to stop Mystique? Can X & Magneto again work with each other? Can Wolverine bear the pain? You will all see this in " X Men : Days Of Future Past". Now, i won't be a party pooper & i won't state any "Spoilers" here for those who have not seen the movie yet.
There are some interesting twists & turns to keep you glued to your seats, "Dr. Bolivar Trask" played by "Peter Dinklage" was killed by "Mystique" as he was conducting some experiments on Mutants. The story folds up step by step & within minutes you are a part of X-Men world. Perhaps the film's standout sequence features the much discussed addition of the new mutant "Peter Maximoff" aka "Quik-Silver". The most amazing scene in this movie is the "Pentagon" escape scene of "Magneto" with the help of "Quik-Silver", where all goes in slow-motion & he runs through the walls, all shown in slow-motion, the scene is one of the best performed scene in movies, ever, which is funny & spectacular at the same time & "Evan" who plays "Quik-Silver" has done a superb job in doing this scene. Hats Of to him & visual team.
Michael Fassbender's young "Erik/Magneto" was first shown in "First Class" & the actor's superb work still goes on in "Days Of Future Past" & does his role with all the charisma Fassbender has. But, this movie belongs to "Jackman" & "Lawrence". "Logan/Wolverine", you possibly would not find him more compelling. In his 7th turn in portraying the role, Jackman brings his macho-man power to the screen again. He is in his best shape ever, his comic timing, his action scenes & depths of sorrow inspite of everything to make him the real hero of the super-hero's. Switching from her honorable figure played in Hunger Games to a badass mode with ease, "Jennifer Lawrence" is sensational, whether she is in his role of "Mystique" where she walks like shape shifter, displaying her fighting skills or when she adopts seductive human form. She is just superb to see on the screen. "James McAvoy" as young "Professor X" is brilliant, whenever he is on screen you feel bad for the guy, for all the sufferings he has gone through. Nicholas Hoult looks actually a beast in the movie.
"Bryan Singer" has pulled together an ambitious, suspenseful screen chapter that secures a future for this awesome franchise. The action & visual effects are excellent. The scale of some scenes is breath-taking. For a director who is famous of being making films with ensemble casts, Singer has done a very superb job.
All in All, if you've been waiting for this movie you won't be disappointed at all. Oh & yes, PLEASE ALL OF YOU SHOULD SIT TILL END CREDITS, AS THERE IS A SCENE AFTER THE CREDITS.
Cast - Sir Patrick Stewart, Sir Ian McKellen, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, Ellen Page, Peter Dinklage, Halle Berry, Anna Paquin.
Director - Bryan Singer
My Rating - ****&1/2 (1/2 only for Hugh Jackman)
(Jackman(Wolverine), Fassbender(Magneto), McAvoy(Prof.X) & Peters(Quik-Silver in a scene from movie)
The movie starts in not-so-distant future, where "Mutants" are fighting for their lives but this time not against one of them or humans, but a completely new enemy "Sentinels". Genetically engineered machines which are made to kill "Mutants" due to a mistake in which "Mystique" played by "Jennifer Lawrence" kills the chairman of "Trask Industries" who has built these things, but all this incident happened in 1973. After seeing that the Mutant race is coming to an extinction, "Professor X" played by "Sir Patrick Stewart", "Magneto" played by "Sir Ian McKellen", "Wolverine" played by "Hugh Jackman", "Storm" played by "Halle Berry", "Kitty Pryde" played by "Ellen Page", they all come to a decision that someone has to go back in the past to change the incident & stop "Mystique" before she kills "Trask" & extinction comes upon them. But, they think no one is that strong to bear the pain. Now, that's where our "Macho Man", "Wolverine" comes who can bear any pain. So, they use the teleportation abilities of Kitty to send "Logan"(Wolverine) into past & change their future. In order to change it, Logan must find the younger selves of "Professor X"(Charles Xavier) played by "James McAvoy" & "Magneto" played by "Michael Fassbender". "Logan" is sent to past, in "1973" & his blades are not made up of "Ademantium" now. He finds, "Professor X" at his school, School has been shut down due to Vietnam War, he finds out that "Hank" (Beast) played by "Nicholas Hoult" is the only person/mutant now Professor X has, others have just left him, which has made Professor to forget all his magical abilities by taking a cure after every now & then. Wolverine tells X & Hank that it is "You & Magneto" who have sent me here to stop the assassination of Trask. But, now they have take out "Magneto" who is been in prison as he is a suspect in the killing of "John F Kennedy". For this work, they contact another mutant in his younger self, "Quik-Silver" played by "Evan Peters" whose ability is to move very fast at the speed of the sound. He does this work with style. With "Professor X" & "Magneto" again on the same side with "Wolverine" from the future & Hank, they all gear up to stop Mystique to save their race from extinction. Do they get to stop Mystique? Can X & Magneto again work with each other? Can Wolverine bear the pain? You will all see this in " X Men : Days Of Future Past". Now, i won't be a party pooper & i won't state any "Spoilers" here for those who have not seen the movie yet.
There are some interesting twists & turns to keep you glued to your seats, "Dr. Bolivar Trask" played by "Peter Dinklage" was killed by "Mystique" as he was conducting some experiments on Mutants. The story folds up step by step & within minutes you are a part of X-Men world. Perhaps the film's standout sequence features the much discussed addition of the new mutant "Peter Maximoff" aka "Quik-Silver". The most amazing scene in this movie is the "Pentagon" escape scene of "Magneto" with the help of "Quik-Silver", where all goes in slow-motion & he runs through the walls, all shown in slow-motion, the scene is one of the best performed scene in movies, ever, which is funny & spectacular at the same time & "Evan" who plays "Quik-Silver" has done a superb job in doing this scene. Hats Of to him & visual team.
Michael Fassbender's young "Erik/Magneto" was first shown in "First Class" & the actor's superb work still goes on in "Days Of Future Past" & does his role with all the charisma Fassbender has. But, this movie belongs to "Jackman" & "Lawrence". "Logan/Wolverine", you possibly would not find him more compelling. In his 7th turn in portraying the role, Jackman brings his macho-man power to the screen again. He is in his best shape ever, his comic timing, his action scenes & depths of sorrow inspite of everything to make him the real hero of the super-hero's. Switching from her honorable figure played in Hunger Games to a badass mode with ease, "Jennifer Lawrence" is sensational, whether she is in his role of "Mystique" where she walks like shape shifter, displaying her fighting skills or when she adopts seductive human form. She is just superb to see on the screen. "James McAvoy" as young "Professor X" is brilliant, whenever he is on screen you feel bad for the guy, for all the sufferings he has gone through. Nicholas Hoult looks actually a beast in the movie.
"Bryan Singer" has pulled together an ambitious, suspenseful screen chapter that secures a future for this awesome franchise. The action & visual effects are excellent. The scale of some scenes is breath-taking. For a director who is famous of being making films with ensemble casts, Singer has done a very superb job.
All in All, if you've been waiting for this movie you won't be disappointed at all. Oh & yes, PLEASE ALL OF YOU SHOULD SIT TILL END CREDITS, AS THERE IS A SCENE AFTER THE CREDITS.
Cast - Sir Patrick Stewart, Sir Ian McKellen, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, Ellen Page, Peter Dinklage, Halle Berry, Anna Paquin.
Director - Bryan Singer
My Rating - ****&1/2 (1/2 only for Hugh Jackman)