The film is an adaptation of Shakespeare's "Romeo & Juliet" set in Gujarat(India). The movies starts with a fighting scene, gun battle between the people who are really happy carrying the guns with them & the first scene you see, you think, we are in a cracker for a show. Fire arms, guns are easily available in the village, where Ram played by "Ranveer Singh" & Leela played by "Deepika Padukone" stay. They both belong 2 different clans, Rajadi & Sanada, which are living together but are at war, which have been going for the past 500 years.
(Deepika Padukone (Leela) & Ranveer Singh (Ram) in a scene from "Ram-Leela")
Soon after, Ram & Leela spot each other, a skirt chasing Ram finds his way to her bedroom, i think, that came to soon. You see a lot of love, lot of lust & then you feel, that they are not able to take off their hands off each other. The special & beautiful chemistry between the 2 actors is the main strength of this movie. Both the actors can start fire with their chemistry & can even spark the love point in your heart, too. The music has been given by Bhansali, himself has given the music of the movie & this is the reason, you see songs one after another from the initial stage, till the end. But, the thing is that Songs are not that bad, they are shot beautifully & you will be forced to like them. My favorites are "Tatad Tatad" & "Nagada". Deepika's dance performances in some songs are outstanding & breathtaking.
Ranveer Singh has everything going for him here. His entry on the bike, lying down, on the song Tatad Tatad is mind-blowing. For more info, He learned a new language for the movie, to enhance his performance for play "Ram" & it really paid off. In his fourth film, now he truly looks & has the presence of a star. There are many songs, all are color-soaked dance numbers. In the song, Nagada Sang Dhol, it's completely impossible & for real, its completely impossible to take off your eyes from Deepika Padukone, you just see her dancing like an angel & a dream with superb expressions. You just want to be right next to him, when she appears on the screen. Even, in those heavy costumes, she makes it looks like a walk in the park. But, one must not forget the movie works because of the strong performances from actors like Supriya Pathak, Richa Chaddha & Barkha Bisht.
Bhansali does a beautiful work & keeps you glued to the screen & keeps the plot together. The film has lots of moments that will stay with you, Ram & Leela's passionate attraction towards each other. The movie was hyped & hyped a lot & it surpasses all the hype. IT IS A MASTERPIECE..!! :D
Cast - Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Supriya Pathak, Richa Chaddha, Barkha Bisht
Director - Sanjay Leela Bhansali
My Rating - **** (Sheer Brilliance)
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